Our podcast recommendations!

Image: Juja Han on Unsplash

Image: Juja Han on Unsplash

Our podcast round-up

At The Career Girl, we love a podcast. They’re the perfect way to expand our knowledge, absorb information, learn new things, get motivated, discover new ways of working, laugh, cry…the list goes on! 

But did you know there are over 850,000* podcasts out there? It can be a bit of a minefield trying to find one you enjoy and value, so we’ve rounded up our top podcasts, whatever your situation! 

For the short of time-rs 

The Grow & Glow Show with Vix Meldrew 

This is a no holds barred podcast with very honest episodes covering branding, the income from working online and time management, and at only 9 to 20 minutes long you can always squeeze one in!  

For the business owners

Hashtag Authentic with Sara Tasker

Sara Tasker presents a calming, relatable and valuable weekly podcast delving into the secrets of success for creative business owners. 

Work Like a Woman with Mary Portas

Mary Portas, the ‘queen of shops’, presents a brilliant podcast centred on kindness and shaping the future of business. 

Being Boss with Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon

This podcast gives a brilliant mix of ‘hard’ skills, such as creating a business plan, alongside personal development like the power of conversation and creative processes. 

For the not sure what to do-ers

How to Fail with Elizabeth Day

With a different guest on each episode, this podcast is brilliant for hearing first-hand accounts from people from different walks of life and experiences. A brilliant boost to learn how others have turned a ‘failure’ around. 

Creative Rebels with David Speed and Adam Brazier

This podcast centres on creatives who have ditched the 9 to 5. The duo focuses on a number of subjects including comparison and anxiety, alongside business themes like building your brand. 

Squiggly Careers with Sarah Ellis and Helen Tupper

With over 150 episodes to choose from, this podcast offers a huge range of ‘practical, action focused advice’ for making positive decisions to shape the career you want. 

Is This Working? with Anna Codrea-Rado and Tiffany Philippou 

A varied podcast all about ‘the messy parts of work’ covering a number of relatable topics. There’s something for everyone in here! 

Ctrl Alt Delete with Emma Gannon 

We love Emma Gannon’s books and her podcast doesn’t disappoint. With a different guest in each episode, this podcast offers a mix of business, personal growth and societal issues, and always leaves us pumped! 

For the needing a boost-ers

Hello Seven with Rachel Rodgers

The ‘seven’ in this title is referring to a seven-figure wage, and without beating about the bush, Rachel Rodgers and special guests give advice about altering your mindset and applying changes so you can make mega bucks.

The Perfectionism Project with Sam Laura Brown

Beat procrastination, overcome perfectionism and become the best version of yourself with this podcast that tackles themes such as nurturing your relationship with yourself. 

Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso

This podcast is described as ‘honest conversations with trailblazing women’, and it totally lives up to this. This is a relatable, motivational and ideas-packed podcast. 

Letters from a Hopeful Creative with Sara Tasker and Jen Carrington

A refreshing set-up for a podcast, this brilliant show answers letters from listeners, with questions such as ‘How do I decide where to focus in my business?’ and ‘Should I invest in my business when it isn’t making any money yet?’ 

In Good Company with Otegha Uwagba 

Another podcast with a guest on each episode, Otegha Uwagba draws real-life advice and ideas from her guests that listeners can learn from immensely. 

The Enthusiast with Ellie Kime 

This is a website and podcast that does what it says on the tin. We can’t help but feel enthusiastic after listening to Ellie Kime and guests talk about broad issues surrounding creativity, self-worth, happiness and life!

For the I-just-need-to-switch-off-ers

Women Like Us with ‘Jennifer Hudson’ and ‘Lillian Bayliss’

A spoof podcast billed as ‘The only podcast hosted by women’ from comedians Katie Brand and Katherine Parkinson. 

My Dad Wrote A Porno  

Definitely NSFW, very silly and laugh-out-loud hilarious!

*oberlo.com July 2020