What's it like to be ... a GP


This is the first blog post in our series What’s it like to be…, giving a glimpse into the realities of certain jobs. Ever wondered what someone who works in marketing actually does all day? What are the lesser-known qualities you need to work in finance? What unexpected surprises does being a teacher hold? This series is here to help answer these questions!

In this first post we’re having a chat with Dr Atia:

What job do you do?

I’m a doctor working as a GP (General Practitioner) in South East London.

How did you end up in that role?

I studied Medicine at University then completed Foundation training in Croydon and Medway, before doing a three year Vocational Training Programme to become a GP. This involved quite a few exams on the way!

What's your general working day like?

The day is divided into a morning and afternoon session. I usually see 15 patients in the morning, then have telephone consultations and check results, sign prescriptions and complete referrals. There is sometimes a meeting at lunchtime, or I will do a home visit if one has been requested. The afternoon follows a similar pattern to the morning.

Is there anything you do in your job that you never expected you'd be doing?

I didn't realise quite how much paperwork there is in General Practice, it can be fairly tedious at times.

Is there anything you thought you'd be doing but you don't?

I don't have to take blood for testing which I thought would be part of the job but is now performed by phlebotomists. It's a pity as I got quite good at this during my hospital training!

Are there any qualities that you didn't realise you'd need for this job?

Patience and the ability to manage stress and uncertainty - as test results are not available before you send your patient home, it’s very different from seeing patients in hospital.

Any words of wisdom for someone thinking of becoming a GP?

For anyone who wants to become a doctor, I'd advise them to make sure they know what the job entails as it is a big commitment and the final job may not be what it appears when starting out. GP work can involve a lot of responsibility and long hours, but can also be very rewarding.

Thank you, Atia for your words of wisdom!

You can find Atia on Instagram @thebrightblooms and @thebrightbloomshome